Friday, January 18, 2008

Um... Am I Missing Something?

The AP is reporting that plans meant to help the recovery of the endangered jaguar have been scrapped.
Why you ask?- Well let's see what the article has to say:

"The Interior Department has abandoned attempts to craft a recovery plan for the endangered jaguar because too few of the rare cats have been spotted along the Southwest region of New Mexico and Arizona to warrant such action."
Um... Am I missing something, or isn't the fact that "too few of the rare cats have been spotted" the reason why these pussies need protection.
The article goes on to say that the real reason the plan was scrapped was that it would interfere with the border fence being built along the protected area. (Click here to read the full article)
Well this just goes to show how stupid the Interior Department is. I'm totally against all the immigration protests, and fences and shit since I just think it's a political way to justify being racist against Mexicans (after all my name is Pedro), however, they really are missing the advantage here.
Instead of a fence, why not a wild pack of man-eating jaguars- that'll stop the damn immigrants!

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