Monday, January 21, 2008


So Mike Huckabee is a giant douche asshole. We all know that he sucks harder than Tom Cruise in a three-way.

But if there was ever a reason as to why Mike Huckabee should NEVER EVER NEVER EVER be president it's this clip at TMZ.

Did you watch that? I wouldn't give her any advice... Be Careful!!!! I mean, what the fuck kind of goddamn answer is that? At least Hilary Clinton had enough sense to walk away- but this fool answers with that shit. If you're going to actually answer the question (you don't deserve to be president to begin with), you can at least start here: "Stop doing drugs, stop drinking, stop hanging out at gas stations, stop going to Starbucks, stop with that stupid British accent, wear some pants, get some new hair, go to the dermatologist, go to court and get your kids back." Any one of those answers would have been acceptable.

If he can't properly handle the Britney Spears crisis, then how is he possibly going to run this country!?!?!?

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