Friday, February 22, 2008

Best Comedy Video Ever

So, I introduced you a little while back to the web gem, It's the cookoo Christian answer to YouTube. You know, boring, bizarre, out of touch, and full of inadvertent humor. This video below is hi-larious. It's completely off, sort of confusing, and proof that I made the right choice to turn my shoulder on the old J-dog.

I mean, who are we supposed to be afraid of here??? The Evangelists? The non-believers? Either way I love it. I think my favorite is the wife who's all doped up on prescription pills, and who looks like she has a micro-chip wedged into her brain. Break free lady, get into a three way, and smoke some dope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the only thing i can say after seeing this vid. is lolz