Monday, January 28, 2008

What Do I Gotta Do?

So first off, let me say that I totally am the laziest fuck in the world, and did not post anything this entire weekend. I know, one week of blogging and I loose interest. It's fine, since I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person who reads this. But now I'm back, and since I'm still sort of lazy I'm only going to go as far as to share a video I saw on my favorite blog- DListed.

I present to you this AMAZING clip of Celine Dion from the French TV program- Star Academy, which is like a French American Idol but only WAY better. This clip is totally magic, and it gets better as it goes on- so give yourself a 10 minute break and experience Celine in all her crazy glory.

Isn't this the most insane thing you've ever seen???? She just won't shut the fuck up. I refuse to believe that she isn't on drugs. Or maybe it's just menopause? I don't know what it is, but someone should bottle it up and sell it on the black market. It looks like a fun trip to be on.
But more important than Celine is how awesome this Star Academy is. First of all, the production values are so so so so so so much better. Look how sparkly and shit everything is. Also, all the boys are really cute, with the exception of Bertrand. And that host is super sexy. Seriously, I'd climb his Eiffel Tower anytime. Soooo much better than Ryan Seacrest, who is about as sexy as a dried up period stain. But back to Bertrand, what drugs was his mom on when she got pregnant with him? Seriously, he looks like a frog person or something. It's not right.
They need to bring this format to America. They did try it for a moment on ABC (Wikipedia it if you don't believe me), but it totally failed. But I say give it a second chance, put it on VH1 of the CW or something where it can be free to be trashy, not a family network like ABC. Fill the house with fame hungry teens, Adderall, and random nut job celebrities, and it will be a hit. And stick with the name Star Academy, not The One: Making a Star. No wonder it was cancelled.

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